Hydroponic gardening is simply growing plants in water without soil. It can be a large growing system capable of providing food for the masses. Or it can be a small system set up in your kitchen that provides you with fresh herbs year-round.
What are the benefits of hydroponics?
Hydroponics offers several benefits to our eco-system while providing the ability to produce food year-round with an indoor system. It’s an ideal gardening method for climates and land plots that are unable to produce food with a traditional in-ground garden.
Anywhere, Anytime
One of the major benefits of hydroponics is the opportunity it provides to grow food anywhere and at any time. Gardeners are not limited to spring and summer to grow fresh fruits and vegetables. They can be grown hydroponically in the middle of winter.
Soil conditions, temperature, rainfall, and sun exposure do not dictate what can be grown in a hydroponic gardening system. Hydroponic gardening takes place indoors and the temperature, lighting, and fertility are controlled. In this way, the perfect growing environment is created for plant growth and production.
Even in the most extreme climates, fresh food can be produced through hydroponics.
Good For The Environment

The amount of water needed for a hydroponic garden may seem overwhelming to areas that have little annual rainfall. However, it’s better for dry climates than traditional in-ground gardens.
Hydroponics is good for all climates because the systems constantly recycle the water. The water is never wasted, very little is lost through evaporation. Much more produce can be grown with less water than would be used for a traditional in-ground garden or the same size.
Less of this natural resource is used for gardening. Hydroponically grown plants are not affected by drought or excessive rainfall.
A hydroponic system uses far less fertilizer (organic or synthetic) than a traditional in-ground garden uses. In addition, herbicides and pesticides are not needed.
No Landspace Needed
A hydroponic growing system doesn’t require land space. A spare bedroom, garage, or corner of the kitchen can be transformed into an indoor water garden. It provides enough fresh vegetables and fruits year-round to meet the food needs of your family.
Bigger, Better Produce
Hydroponically grown plants produce a higher yield and more nutrient-dense food than an in-ground garden because you are in control of all the elements. Traditional gardens are subject to climate and weather conditions, which dictate when and how much each plant will produce.
You control light, temperature, water level, nutrients and air circulation with a hydroponic garden. You also create the perfect environment for growing bigger, better and more fresh food.