If you have been wondering how to create a colorful fall garden so you can enjoy floral color in your home garden, then this article is for you.
By planting some (or all) of these specific flowers, you can ensure your home flower garden will be alive with vibrant fall colors. These fall beauties will also attract pollinators that are looking for a good meal before winter begins.
These perennial beauties begin to produce colorful blooms when other garden flowers are ending their blooming season. Star-shaped blooms in red, white, pink, mauve, and purple will appear at the beginning of fall and last until the first frost.
Attract annual flowers with waxy foliage and colorful fall blooms. These fall beauties will produce late-season blooms in shades of red, white, pink, orange, and yellow. Begonias are not cold-hardy and will not tolerate frost but when grown in a container, they can be brought indoors where they will continue blooming throughout most of the winter.
This easy-to-grow flower, which comes in both annual and perennial varieties, will bloom from spring through fall if it’s kept dead-headed.
Coreopsis reaches a mature height of 2-feet (60 cm) tall and will produce an abundance of blooms in white, yellow, rose, lavender, orange, and bi-colors.

Dwarf Fothergilla
Low-growing shrub will create a 2-3 feet (60 – 90 cm) mound and year-round interest. White blooms appear in spring, green foliage during the summer, spectatcular fall foliage colors, and interesting bark after the leaves fall in early winter. Plant in full sun for best bloom and foliage colors.
Dwarf Tibouchina
This is another low-growing flowering shrub that provides year-round landscape interest. Plant in partial shade and enjoy the dense covering of purple flowers during the summer and fall. Dwarf Tibouchina is an evergreen shrub that will keep the green color going on in the garden all winter.
Commonly called the African Daisy and Treasure Flower, this fall-blooming beauty thrives in hot climates and produces an abundance of colorful flowers. Gazania comes in both annual and perennial varieties and is worth a spot in your home garden for 3-season color.
Here is an easy-care plant that will produce color from spring through fall, if the plant is kept cut back. Salvia reaches a mature height of 1-2 feet (30 – 60 cm) and will produce spikes of purple, red, or bi-color blooms.
When blooms begin to fade, cut the spikes back to foliage to encourage the plants to produce more flower spikes.