Flowering succulents are a rare type of blooming plant that thrive on neglect. Perfect plants for people who don’t have a green thumb but want to enjoy flowering plants in their indoor or outdoor living space.
There are hundreds of varieties, colors and mature sizes of succulents to select from. Below are the top 5 flowering succulents to grow indoors for easy-care beauty.
Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera)
This is an evergreen and can be kept outside during the summer months in a semi-shady location. Bring plant indoors and place in the dark at the end of summer for 4-weeks and reduce water. One month before Christmas place the cactus in a bright location and increase water so the soil remains moist.
Bell-shaped pink, white, or red blooms will appear on the ends of the leaves which will droop downward as the cactus matures. Feed Christmas cactus after it blooms and again in spring.
Desert Rose Plant (Adenium obesum)
This is a deciduous succulent in cool climates, evergreen in warm climates. Large 3-inch (7 cm) red, white, pink, or purple blooms will show up at the end of winter and continue to increase in number throughout spring and summer.
Place in a bright location until early winter, then allow the desert rose succulent to rest in a dark location for one month. Feed plant in early winter and water weekly.
Flowering Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)
This elegant succulent loves bright light and will cover itself with colorful bell-shaped pink, orange, white, or purple flowers. This flowering succulent will go for up to two weeks without water and still look good.
Wait until soil has thoroughly dried out before watering, then saturate with water. Feed once in spring and again at the end of summer.
Keep flowering kalanchoe in a bright location until mid-autumn, then place in a dark location and reduce watering for 6-weeks.
Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)
It is also known as the lucky plant or money plant. The flowering jade plant is a succulent plant that produces small pink or white flowers.
Keep in a cool, bright location and plant will bloom from late winter until the beginning of summer. Water weekly and feed after succulent finishes blooming.
Purple Ice Plant (Delosperma cooperi)
This is a creeping evergreen flowering succulent that is often used as a ground cover. This succulent will be 6-inches (15 cm) tall and 2-feet (60 cm) wide when mature, producing purple, scarlet or orange blooms all summer.
Easy to grow as a houseplant, place this flowering succulent in a bright location until the end of summer, then move it to a dark location for 4-weeks. Feed after plant finishes blooming and water weekly.
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