The adage ‘April showers bring May flowers’ is so true. The early spring rains saturate the soil enabling flowers planted in May to grow rapidly and bloom proficiently. It’s amazing how nature’s cycle is showcased in this process.
May is the perfect time to get outdoors and plant annuals and maybe some new perennials. Consider planting some of these interesting and colorful flowers this May.
Agastache (Agastache foeniculum)

Showy, fragrant, long-blooming perennial that attracts pollinators. Agastache, also known as hyssop and hummingbird mint, is irresistible to hummingbirds but repels deer and rabbits. Not only for attracting pollinators, but this wonderful plant is actually edible so you can use it in soups and salads.
Small blooms are borne on tall flower spikes that can reach 2-4 feet (60 – 120 cm) tall when mature. Blooms all summer in colors that include, blue, red, orange, yellow, and purple.
Plant agastache in a sunny location, keep soil moist and feed plants monthly throughout the summer.
You may be interested in my other article, 5 Edible Flowers With Potential Health Benefits.
Anemone (Anemone coronaria)
The anemone flower is related to the poppy and comes in several bloom colors, including red, white, pink, yellow, and purple. Anemones will reach a mature height of 1-2 feet (30 – 60 cm) and make long-lasting cut flowers.
Plant anemones in May in a sunny location in soil that stays moist. Water plants during times of drought. Plants are easy care and do not require feeding or dead-heading.
Gazania (Gazania rigens)

A member of the Daisy family, gazania is also known as the African Daisy and Treasure Flower.
Plants produce grass-like foliage that forms low-growing clumps and sends up stems of single, large, open-faced blooms in brilliant shades of yellow and orange.
Plant in May in a sunny location and well-draining soil. Gazania comes in annual and perennial varieties and will reach a mature height of 6-18 inches (15 – 45 cm).
I have a couple of African daisis in the garden. They open during the day and close at night like humans!
It’s fun to observe this wonderful flower closely to learn how they react to light!
Gypsophila (Gypsophila paniculata)
These plants grow to be 1-2 feet (30 – 60 cm) tall and will bear a profusion of white or pink flowers on delicate-looking stems. Gypsophila, also known as Baby’s Breath, has a light, airy appearance and make long-lasting cut flowers that is perfect for accenting floral arrangements. You probably would have seen this tiny white flower among other larger flowers in bouquets.
This small shrub should be planted in May in a sunny location that is sheltered from the wind. Gypsophila also grows best in dry, sandy soil. Water shrub sparingly.
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

Fun flower to plant in May that produces flower heads that are filled with seeds and turn to follow the sun throughout the day.
Depending on the variety, sunflowers can reach a mature height of 12-inches (30 cm) to 12-feet (3.6 m)! All varieties need to be planted in full sun, watered regularly and fed monthly.
Seeds are edible and make a great snack for humans or can be used as bird food or chicken feed.
Sunflowers are like sunshine in the garden and a symbol of Summer. For me, it also brings back childhood memories.
Why not plant this beautiful flower in this May?