Growing fruit trees in your garden not only provides fresh fruit, but the trees will also enhance the look of your landscape and provide pollen for pollinators.
The blooms of fruit trees vary in color and most of them are fragrant. Even if you don’t like fruit, planting some of these easy-to-grow fruit trees in your garden is worth it for the beauty, fragrance, and pollen they produce.
Grow Apple Trees
Select a planting location that will receive full sun and has good air circulation. Do a little research to discover which apple varieties grow best in your climate.
Prepare the soil in the fall for spring planting. Till the soil in a 4 feet square (1.2 m) and 18 inches (46 cm) deep. Add 4 inches (10 cm) of compost and lightly till it in.
Plant a winter cover crop, like clover, kale or mustard, on the site. Till under the winter cover crop in spring and plant the apple tree.
Apricot Trees For Warm Climates

Apricot trees grow best in climates with mild winters and warm summers. Plant this fruit tree in a full sun location, preparing the planting location as outlined for apple trees.
Stake apricot trees to prevent breakage from wind and feed them 3 times a year – late winter, early spring and again when blooms drop and fruit is visible.
Apricot trees are self-pollinators, so you only need one to enjoy fresh fruit.
Cherry Tree Orchard

Cherry trees are self-sterile and you will need at least 2-3 for pollination and fruit. You won’t regret planting several of these easy-to-grow fruit trees in your garden, the spring blooms and fragrance are magnificent.
Prepare soil and plant cherry trees in the fall. Feed in spring, then wait until after cherry harvest to feed trees again. Use bird netting over trees to keep ripening cherries safe.
Plant Dormant Peach Trees

Prepare the soil in fall (see apple tree) and plant peach trees in early spring when they’re dormant.
Peach trees are self-pollinating and you will only need to plant one. Dwarf varieties can be grown in containers and kept indoors during the winter months.
This is ideal for climates that have harsh winters.
Plum Trees are Hardy
Plum trees are hardy, making them ideal for beginners to grow. Select the right plum variety for your climate, plant in a sunny location and keep tree well-watered for the first couple of months.
Do not feed until after the plum tree sets its first fruit. After that plum trees need to be fed once a month, year-round, with a balanced fertilizer.